A Truthful History





In October, 1816/1231 H. Ex. Lieutenant General Ermolov was appointedas Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasian provinces and Georgia and soon arrived in Tiflis. After regulating his affairs there, he made preparations, and in 1817/1232, with some ofhis well-known generals went to Soltanie. There he met with Fath Ali Shah and someQizilbash high-rank officials. By the will of [Russian] Emperor, the Capan Mountain wasdesignated as the frontier [of Persia and Russia] due to the peace treaty, signed byRtishchev. Ermolov found it appropriate to change it for the Arax River.

(119b) Then he started regulating the affairs in [the Caucasian]regions and organizing its government according to the new rules created by him. In caseof need he established new order in some places. In that period the khans of Karabagh andShirvan ran away to Qizilbashs' country. The first was Mustoufi Khan, who made hisescape in 1822/1234 and then Mahdi-qoli Khan - in 1823/1238. The khan of Shaki died thesame year. These three Khanates were incorporated into the Russian State. H. Ex. Ermolovopened courts and appointed Commandants, who had at their head the Administrator-in-Chief(Okruzhnoi Nachalnik), having his seat in Shushi. Its government was set up by the ordercreated by him. In 1818/1234 he gathered all experts and registered them. In 1819/1235 H. Ex. moved to Daghestan, where fought hard battles and won great victories. The encounterslasted for several years, which are described in detail in the other book on the eventshappened there. After the escape of the Karabagh and Shirvan khans, in 1823/1237 thegovernor of Ghazi Qumuq with his son Nuh Khan and grandson Muhammad Khan ran away fromDaghestan to Qizilbash s. Since the forthcoming years were the period of the stablepeace with Qizilbashs, and neither of the rivals violated it, H. Ex. Ermolov regulated theaffairs establishing order in [Caucasian] districts.

Major General Prince Madatov was the Administrator-in-Chief of theMoslem provinces and the Talish Khanate. Madatov's courage was acknowledgedeverywhere. According to the concord and peace relations established between the rivals, correspondence and friendly ties were maintained by him [Madatov] and the Qizilbash highofficials.