A Truthful History






When Georgi ascended the throne and gained power, he punished andsubdued the rebels in the country.

The nephew of the murdered Aqa Muhammad Khan Baba Khan, known as Fath'Ali Shah subjugated and punished his enemies and rebels. He gained victory overrevolted Sadeq Khan Shaqaqi and Ja'far-qoli Khan Donboli. He annihilated almost allhis enemies.

Ibrahim Khan of Karabagh knew that these are preparations for thecampaign against his country and, in the end, he would be the scapegoat [for Aqa MuhammadShah's death]. Fath' Ali Shah would not let him be free and quiet. So he laidthe foundation of kindred relations with him and improved their interrelations. He gavehis daughter Aqa Bike in marriage and his son Abul Fath Khan as hostage to Fath 'AliShah, sending them to Tehran. His age and weakness were the excuses made for not visiting.

Georgi, the Vali of Georgia, was cautious because of OttomanTurkey (Rum) and Daghestan, his people's old enemies, as well as the increasinghostility of his brothers. Therefore, in 1798/1214 he sent his eldest son David (Davud)Mirza with pleading petitions to Russian government and the fair court of great Emperor ofRussia Pavel Petrovich, asking him:

-I am weak against so many faithless enemies. Every hour I apprehendtheir attacks and fear their violence. Your Majesty's officials are aware of mydesperate situation, and it may be confirmed by witnesses on all the evils and harmscaused by Aqa Muhammad Khan to us. Therefore, our request to the great king is to defend aco-religionist and weak nation from its enemies with his world-conquering banner, be ourpatron and protector.

Afterwards he sent his ishikaqasibashi Garsevan Beg Chavchavadze(Chapchavaze), one of the noblemen of Georgia, who was known to the royal court [ofRussia].

Conformably, the royal grace was touched. In 1799/1214 he appointed andsent Major General Lazarev with a Russian army regiment of 5000 soldiers to defend theboundaries of Georgia, to ensure its tranquility and to do away with the evil harms of itsenemies. Lieutenant General Knorring (Qnorinq) was appointed to the post of minister andinspector, who should organize the civil order and control the governing of the country. In the same year the high noblemen came to Vali 's court in Tiflis and wereengaged in settling the affairs of the region.