A Truthful History





A few days later, when the rival sides calmed down a little, groups of[Qizilbashs'] cavalry and infantry troops were sent to raid the districts of Karabaghand its Russian subject neighboring regions. They caused severe harms and destructions tothe regions, set on fire many villages revenging for the misfortunes they suffered becauseof Karabagh and its inhabitants previously. At that time, word spread that the inhabitantsof Shushi were coming out of the fortress with the aim of getting food from various placesand bringing the harvest there.

(128a) Therefore, Mahdi-qoli Khan and Amir Khan Sardar tookcounsel together and decided: "Since we committed an error and lingered in theaffairs of Goris, we were worthy of reproaches, now the time has come to take advantageand serve. Let's take a regiment of the glorious army and make an ambush at nightnear the river Khalifalu, which is the passage from the impenetrable fortress. Thus, we'll try in a way to capture those, who are going to bring food as well as attackand capture the fortress".

They told Abbas Mirza about their intentions and decided thatafter their departure for the ambush, the prince would draw the cannons nearer to thefortress, and in the morning they will attack and conquer it.

Afterwards, Amir Khan and Mahdi-qoli Khan went with four infantry sarbaz regiments and a Karabagh cavalry of two thousand men and laid an ambush nearby theKhalifalu river on the side of the Khachen gate.

Some of Abbas Mirza's retainers, who were on hostile termswith these khans, took advantage to bring false ideas home after their departure. Theytold him that there were a few Russians in the fortress and if he assisted them a little, by sending cannons and arms, they would undoubtedly occupy the fortress and the soldierswould rob Aqa Muhammad Khan's treasures and the wealth of fortress inhabitants. Inaddition, they would be praised and glorified by Shah.

The words made an impression upon Abbas Mirza. He changed hismind and refused to send infantry and cannons. The khans, according to theiryesterday's counsel made an assault in the same morning from the ambush (128b) uponthe famishing men who went out for getting food. They made great noise, captured andkilled some of them, then they attacked the fortress. Gianjom Agh Khandamirov, who at thattime was qalabeg opened the fortified gate and came out to fight with two groups ofRussian soldiers. Those in search of food took the occasion to enter the fortress. ThenGianjom Aqa returned to the fortress, fortified the gate and began to fight from above itswalls and towers. Although the sarbazs tried to ascend the fortress, they wereprevented and shot down.

The Armenians of the fortress also fought severely being unanimous withthe Russians. They were given arms and sent to protect the fortress walls.

Since no aid was received from Abbas Mirza and the battlecontinued from sunrise until midday, Abbas Mirza sent a messenger ordering them tostop the battle and the attacks on the fortress and return back. The khans, unable toattain any result returned to their camp.