A Truthful History





During the events some cheerful news was received about the victoriesand successes of the khans in various parts of the Caucasian province, which increased thepride and arrogance of Qizilbashs. One of them Mir Hasan Khan of Talish went and occupiedTalish and Lenkoran easily driving the Russians out of the fortress of Argevan. IbrahimKhan Sardar with Mustoufi Khan conquered Shirvan down to Salian and Baku. GeneralGrabbe (Qrabbi), the commander of the Russian troops, which defended those regions leftfor Quba. Hoseyn Khan Sardar [conquered the territory] down to Pambak andShoragial, destroyed the Russian constructions there. His brother Hasan Khan made raidsand completely devastated the district of Borchallu, captured a great number of people. The [Russian] troops of those districts made for Tiflis.

The Russian troops at Zurnabad, wanted to enter the fortress of Ganjeand then move to Tiflis, but they were interdicted by the inhabitants and they fledstraight to Tiflis leaving their loads, cannons, and transport.

Abbas Mirza wrote in answer to the letter of Hoseyn Khan Sardar:

Here is the copy of His Majesty's raqam:

"To the illustrious Prince, amir of amirs Hoseyn Khan Sardar, thebeglarbegi of Erevan and Chokhur Sa'ad, accompanied with God's benevolence andsuccess.

Be aware that H. Ex. 's sincere letter with the news about His andHis brother Hasan Khan Saru Aslan's victorious deeds was brought to Our graciousattention and honored with Our favor. There was written that His celebrated Excellencywith glorious troops has conquered [the territory] down to Pambak and Shoragial. PrinceSevarzamidze, with all his vainglory, was put to flight and then besieged at Qara Kilisa(129b) by them.

By God's will, now the day upon our enemy is turned dark, he istoo weak and Khosrov's royal fortune is glorious. Our rivals in Talish are beaten bythe victorious troops. The whole area of Shirvan to Salian has came under our rule. Thevoice of the Qajar drums is heard in Shaki and Jar. The keys of the fate have opened thegates of Ganje. The inhabitants of Shushi are weakened and suffer from gun and cannonbullets. Thanks to Almighty, who has given all these successes and victories.

May His celebrated Excellency [Hoseyn Khan] and H. Ex. Hasan Khan SaruAslan, being in shah's good grace and accompanied with all Royal glory and Fortune, make great efforts in the war against the enemy. Blessed by God we'll soon completeour encounters and capture the Shushi fortress and invade Tiflis ".